The Future of the Billable Hour in Law

On November 13, 2013, Rob Miller presented on the issues surrounding the billable hour in law firms, along with Gavin Hume QC and Derek LaCroix QC at the Law Courts Inn’s event, “Lunching With Leaders: Is the Billable Hour Ethical?” Rob’s presentation focused on what trends in the North American legal industry mean for the billable…

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First Nations Clean Energy Development Outlook

On October 27, 2013, Rob Miller was asked to speak at Clean Energy BC’s annual Generate Conference on his predictions for the future of British Columbia’s clean energy industry. Here is a summary of some of his thoughts: Power of the Collective Recent events have demonstrated the increased negotiating power of First Nations – especially…

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The Happiness Factor

About a year into our business, my partner and I became concerned that our employees were not as happy as they could be. While we made every effort to be champions of work/life balance, it didn’t seem to be enough. It turned out we were trying to achieve the wrong thing. Our focus was on…

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MT+Co. in Financial Post Article on Small Law Firms

“A new breed of smaller firms is using technology and innovative practice ideas to challenge the corporate dominance of big firms.” In his article on how the practice of law is changing, Mitch Kowalski presents a theory that the “greatest innovations in legal service delivery” are coming from small law firms. MT+Co. is mentioned in his…

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“Law Love Stories Day 7: Axiom in Vancouver?!”

Danielle Rondeau of the blog Trash Your Stress interviews Rob Miller and decides ‘this is not your daddy’s law firm’. Her post, “Law Love Stories Day 7: Axiom in Vancouver?!” reviews how MT+Co. differentiates itself from traditional law firms in Vancouver. Read her post here.

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“What If Your Clients Could Determine the Bill? Legal Innovation in Action”

Gimbal management consultants’ article about our law firm, our ideas, the importance of client perceived value and six sigma practices in “What if Your Clients Could Determine the Bill? Legal Innovation in Action.” On the topic of our client value guarantee author David Skinner notes: Miller Titerle’s focus on measuring success from the only perspective that matters—that…

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