2015 Summer Law Student: You’re Hired!

It’s not quite summer yet but MT+Co. recently participated in Vancouver’s 2015 summer law student recruitment process. If you’ve been seeing a lot of suits on the streets in Gastown lately, now you know why. Top candidates participated in a competitive interview process, met our team and toured our offices. We asked our hiring committee…

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Retreat at Cathedral Lakes

Our fifth annual retreat was held at Cathedral Lakes Lodge located in Slocan Park, British Columbia on the first weekend of October, 2014.  Described as “a true wilderness experience, Cathedral Park comprises an expanse of jagged mountain peaks, azure lakes and flower-dappled alpine meadows that are definitely for the adventurous. Located between the dense, wet forests…

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Impacts of Tsilhqot’in Part V: Aboriginal Title and Treaties

In Part V of our seven-part series on Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, we explore the implications of the decision on treaty land. Some commentators have suggested that while the Tsilhqot’in decision has significant implications for non-treaty land, land subject to treaty is generally not affected by Tsilhqot’in. Our view is that this is a…

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Tyson Lamarsh Called to the Bar

MT+Co. congratulates our newest lawyer, Tyson Lamarsh. Tyson was Called to the Bar in June, 2014, and had the official ceremony at the Law Courts earlier today. Tyson was a summer student at our law firm prior to articling and we are proud to continue working with him as a new associate lawyer.  Tyson works…

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Best Lawyers in Canada 2015 Recognizes MT+Co. Lawyers

Our co-founders have again been selected by their peers to be included in the latest edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada. Rob Miller was listed in The Best Lawyers in Canada 2015 in the practice areas of Aboriginal Law and Natural Resources Law. Jim Titerle was listed in the area of Environmental Law. Jim also was named…

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Impacts of Tsilhqot’in Part IV: First Nations Consent for Development

As discussed in previous articles in this series, the Supreme Court of Canada’s Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia decision alters the legal landscape for development on proven Aboriginal title land: subject to a limited right of the government to infringe Aboriginal title where justified, Aboriginal groups have the exclusive right to decide how the land…

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Ocean Bound: First Nations Practice Group Goes Fishing

Recently our First Nations Economic Development practice group pushed the envelope on “casual Fridays”, heading out onto the open waters for a creative planning session a midst the bustle of this year’s sockeye salmon run.  Not expecting to catch anything, we were blown away by our luck: together we had seven bites, six fish and even…

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Kanaka Bar Indian Band’s Economic Infusion Through Clean Energy

Congratulations to our client, the Kanaka Bar Indian Band, for the recent publication of the story of their renewable energy project on the BC Aboriginal Business & Investment Council website. We have been working with Kanaka since 2010 on the Kwoiek Creek Hydroelectric Project, a 49.9 MW run-of-river power facility located on Kanaka’s reserve land.…

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New Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act

Many non-profit organizations are not aware of the crucial requirement to transition under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act before October 17th, 2014. Some of these crucial steps include: Reviewing the corporation’s by-laws; Drafting Articles of Continuance; and Having the Articles of Continuance approved by members. If you have not already transitioned, the legal team at…

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