Share Sale Vs. Asset Sale: Five Considerations

Our Business Transactions team has worked on a wide range of M&A deals. This is the second post in a series that discusses some of the key issues buyers and sellers will encounter during the M&A process, and some of the lessons we have learned along the way. Buying or selling a business is a significant undertaking, and…

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M&A Letter of Intent

Our Business Transactions team has worked on a wide range of M&A deals. This is the first post in a series that will discuss some of the key issues buyers and sellers will encounter during the M&A process, and some of the lessons we have learned along the way. A letter of intent (LOI) is commonly used…

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Sock Drive Summation

Our first annual “Sock it to the Lawyers” charity sock drive was a big sockcess. With the help of clients, neighbours, friends and family, MT+Co. gathered a couple hundred socks, gloves, scarves and hats – as well as a few winter jackets. The generous donations managed to build up in Jim’s office (since Rob was usually…

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MT+Co. Featured in Gastown Blog featured our law firm in the “Live + Work” section of their blog. Read the full article below. Rob Miller and Jim Titerle are getting set to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Miller Titerle + Company in Gastown, quite possibly the hippest law firm in the city. Specializing in corporate law, commercial transactions (including in the…

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Sock It to the Lawyers – A Charity Sock Drive

Ever wanted to sock your lawyer – in particular Jim or Rob? Now you can. And feel good about it. We are literally throwing socks at our two co-founding lawyers for the rest of December, especially when they’re not looking. Staff, clients, suppliers, other lawyers, children, pets and others can bring in socks and cold-weather accessories (gloves, mitts,…

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Startup Week Vancouver 2014

For the past three years, MT+Co. has participated in Startup Week Vancouver as a sponsor and presenter. From Nov. 14-21, 2014, the event featured a series of 35 smaller events around the city “to celebrate our tech community and startup ecosystem”. Below are two of our favourite features. Startup Weekend Vancouver A grassroots movement in 120…

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Bhasin v. Hrynew Supreme Court of Canada Decision: Finding Faith

Bhasin v. Hrynew and its “Incremental” Changes to the Law of Good Faith in Contractual Performance In Canada, the role of good faith in the context of commercial contracts has always been a tricky concept resulting in much head-scratching around its scope and application. Is a duty of good faith a fundamental principle of contract…

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Global Student Entrepreneurship Awards Arrives in Vancouver

Have you heard of the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA)? It’s one of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) largest and most inspiring events held globally. In a nutshell: it’s a big deal for young entrepreneurs. Monday, November 17th, marks the inaugural event of the GSEA Vancouver Regional Competition at the SFU Beedie School of Business. The premier…

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Rob Miller Listed as Leading Energy Lawyer by Lexpert

Rob Miller has been recognized as a leading practitioner in the area of energy law in the Lexpert® Special Edition, Canada’s Leading Energy Lawyers. The November 2014 edition, produced in partnership with The Globe & Mail’s ROB Magazine, features a peer-ranked list of lawyers who have made substantial contributions to the energy sector in partnership…

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